Character details
Character name: Sex: Level:
Gubihe Male 104
Świat: Fixera
Miasto: Rookgaard
Gildia: Member of the Evil Slayer
Character created:: 2016-10-10 08:20:11
Last seen: 2024-06-27 15:17:17
Status konta: Premium Account
Wykonane Questy
Barbarian Test Quest 100%
Black Knight Quest 100%
Captain Igluess Treasure Quest 0%
Dragon Corpse Quest 100%
Druid Outfits Quest 25%
Goblin Temple Quest 0%
Hunter Outfits Quest 100%
Katana Quest 0%
Knight Outfits Quest 15%
Mage & Summoner Outfit Quest 100%
Magic Affairs 100%
Mining 100%
Minotaur Hell Quest 0%
Oriental Outfits Quest 100%
The Annihilator Quest 50%
The Ice Islands Quest 97%
The Postman Missions Quest 28%
The Sneaky Joe Quest 100%
The Travelling Trader Quest 32%
Wizard Outfits Quest 63%
Wykonane bestiary - 158 (2451 charms)
Deaths history
Date: Level: By:
The player did not die